Mmmmm.. moo.
*I'm such a ditz.. oo; I spelled Shady's name wrong on ALL the links to her guest pics. =P That, and I got the address for her webpage wrong. ^_^;; It just isn't Shady's week! Well, I fixed it already, so quit yer complainin..
*The Pop Quiz, Drawing Help, and Poketa info pages are all still under heavy construction. Sorry, I'm kinda slow lately. Only five hours of computer a night just doesn't cut it for some reason...! *feels like a nerd* The Photoshop Tutorial is all written out, actually, in case you feel like looking at it before I HTML-ifiy it, and give it helpful pictures. It's right here, for those of you who are impatient.
*I'm working on my new art section, so that I won't feel so tacky just putting up a link to my bare HTML art archive XP
*New projects I'm working on now.. ^^; And I gave a link to that Amazing Kids! animation contest, too, in case any of you are interested!
:::Previous Updates
*Not much to say here, considering that every fudging thing is new. In case you haven't noticed, everythings a lot more purple and right-side-justified than before. There's also that freaked-out little mew following you everywhere. That's Sansai. Don't let her frighten you too much. She's not nearly as scary as her siblings can be... That's right, laugh, laugh at me!!
*The Art Section has been reduced dramatically. Aside from having grown by around thirty pieces in the last few months, to save time and space I've just decided to link to my archive on the Vixen Controlled Library. If you have Content Advisor enabled on your computer, or a really mean ol' net nanny, you probably won't be able to get there, since the VCL is infamous for its *cough* questionable material. I assure you I'm not contributing to its hentai collection at all, but I guess you'll just have to take my word on that. If you have virgin eyes, then I strongly suggest you don't wander around the archive outside of my corner of it...
*Poketa has its own section, as you'll notice. That's acause I actually am starting to make it into something. I've made a tiny dinky little cartoon (you won't find it here yet) with the voices people have sent me for seiyuu auditions, and I've started writing the actual novelization itself. Chapter One and Chapter Two are lookin nice and rough!
*It's the end of an era!! Well, kinda. That's right kiddies, the Venerable Lexiroth has ended the uholy reign of the Paradox Headquarters. -_-;; Well... it's just got a new name now, really, so... I guess nothing's changed! Wai!! *lights a bonfire and dances*
*This just in! Beth finally got over her anger at my genderswitching of her favorite little reploid and decided to help me write "X6"! }X) Wahahaha..
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